Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Lola and Sebastian

Almost one week back, which means one week on our own and it is hard.  Totally worth it but hard.  I always thought it would be hard but never appreciated just how much.  Yesterday, I was someone I did not even recognise.  Maybe lack of sleep, could be hormones, or just the struggle of being a new parent.  Either way my respect for parents doing this on their own, or being a stay at home parent has increased ten fold (and it was pretty high before).  We are both at home, we have a helper and it hard.  Granted we don't have any family near by but still I know we are more fortunate then most.  But with the hardness comes a million moments of pure joy when we look at Sebastian.  I could post one of 100 pictures we take a day, but trying hard not too!
This is one of my pure joy moments.  Lola and Sebastian chilling out together.  I hope one day they are the best of friends.  Only a week on from meeting it is clear Lola is already protective of him, like any good big sis.

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