Sunday, 25 August 2019

12+ LIves Lola

Anyone who knows us or follows this blog knows that Lola has had far more lives than a cats nine lives.  I could tell story after story of incidents that were far to close.  From being poisoned, jumping out third story windows, falling off roof tops, getting lost in strange cities, tropical deadly tic bites just to name a few.  Her latest brush with death occurred a couple weeks ago, when a group of dogs attacked her that could of easily killed her.  The pet sitters had to rush her to the vet and well the whole incident is to scary to think about.  But despite her 16 stitches and muscle and back wounds she is one the road to recovery.  I am just so happy to be home with her and give her the mummy cuddles that she needs.
 She was so happy to see us!

I have been warned by a few people that when the baby came, my love would change for Lola or rather that it would just be different, and I won't lie I was slightly worried.  But nope, no different still adore her and trying my best to let her know she is still my girl.

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