Saturday, 31 August 2019

One Week Back

A whole week back, we have seen a few more people and got a few more hours sleep.  We might be getting the hang of this, well almost!  I even had a day out at school, which I surprisingly miss!  I miss my classes, the teachers and well just the day to day routine I guess.  I should say I do not miss it enough to end the maternity leave though!
 Our school visit
 Auntie Emma!
 Becci and Simone
And then we were lucky enough to have this lady all to our selves last night, Auntie Iwisyi!  Been a long week back but we are getting there!

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Lola and Sebastian

Almost one week back, which means one week on our own and it is hard.  Totally worth it but hard.  I always thought it would be hard but never appreciated just how much.  Yesterday, I was someone I did not even recognise.  Maybe lack of sleep, could be hormones, or just the struggle of being a new parent.  Either way my respect for parents doing this on their own, or being a stay at home parent has increased ten fold (and it was pretty high before).  We are both at home, we have a helper and it hard.  Granted we don't have any family near by but still I know we are more fortunate then most.  But with the hardness comes a million moments of pure joy when we look at Sebastian.  I could post one of 100 pictures we take a day, but trying hard not too!
This is one of my pure joy moments.  Lola and Sebastian chilling out together.  I hope one day they are the best of friends.  Only a week on from meeting it is clear Lola is already protective of him, like any good big sis.

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Back in Phukt

We have been three days back in Phuket and I am yet to leave the house.  It has been hectic to say the least.  All of us adjusting to the time, Sebastian adjusting to the heat and all of us trying to avoid mosquitoes.  It has been a little emotional too, I was ready to come back and see Lola and start some sort of routine but also miss family and friends tremendously.  Luckily we have had loads of visitors that I would like to think came to see us but I know only came to see our little one, but who can blame them!
 Super Jacqui licked us up from the airport, as if this women has not already spoilt us rotten!
 A special visit from Jimmy Sparkles, first of the Ecua family
 Auntie Ruth

 Auntie Sara and Uncle Richard who clearly look ready for number three
And Auntie Lecia.  
Today we are going into school to show Sebastian off, say hello and finally get out of the house!

12+ LIves Lola

Anyone who knows us or follows this blog knows that Lola has had far more lives than a cats nine lives.  I could tell story after story of incidents that were far to close.  From being poisoned, jumping out third story windows, falling off roof tops, getting lost in strange cities, tropical deadly tic bites just to name a few.  Her latest brush with death occurred a couple weeks ago, when a group of dogs attacked her that could of easily killed her.  The pet sitters had to rush her to the vet and well the whole incident is to scary to think about.  But despite her 16 stitches and muscle and back wounds she is one the road to recovery.  I am just so happy to be home with her and give her the mummy cuddles that she needs.
 She was so happy to see us!

I have been warned by a few people that when the baby came, my love would change for Lola or rather that it would just be different, and I won't lie I was slightly worried.  But nope, no different still adore her and trying my best to let her know she is still my girl.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Sebastian's First Plane Trip

Most people would probably start with a short 3 or 4 flight but we are not most people.  So Sebastian's first plane journey involved two seven hour flights and a layover in Dubai.  He killed it, there was no crying and all the stewards loved him. Also, how great was it to pass all the queues everywhere we went, travelling with a baby definitely has some perks.

 His first flight photo and card from the staff.

We were lucky to be allowed to leave with him, he was such a hit with the ladies.  I must also add that I am under no illusion that this is how it will always be, I have been warned that the older he gets the harder it is.  But certainly this flight he nailed it!

Leaving the UK

Today is going to be a very hard day.  I am going to miss being with all these lovely people so much.  Sebastian is so use to so many people around him it will be quite the adjustment to just be Mum, Dad and Lola.  It has been such an amazing time, I cannot quite believe I arrived nine weeks ago without a baby and am leaving today with a perfect one.  We spent our last day having lunch with Nicola, Freda and the Hopkins.  We are going to miss all our special family meals and well just everything and everyone. 

 I love this photo and will miss Nicola and Freda so incredibly much and will have to become a better video caller.

 We are leaving on a beautiful day and had sucka  beautiful send off.  
The Hopkin ladies took us to the airport and waved us through the gate.  There were quite a few tears in the departure lounge as we got ready to board the plane back home.  Loads of mixed emotions as excited to see Lola and get into a routine but will miss all these people terribly.


I think family comes in all different shapes and forms, and blood is not always a requirement.  I have said it quite a few times on here that I feel very lucky to have loads of people in this world that I consider family.  
 In saying that I do have the most amazing blood family.  I was so happy that Nicola and Freda could come and spend so much time with baby Sebastian Henry.  It was so special that they were such a big part of his first month and I miss them so much already.  

We tried very hard to capture the perfect cousin photo.  To be honest they are both so perfect it did not really matter.

 Jake helping Luis do Sebastian's footprint.
And then there are the Hopkins.   I just can't express my thankfulness to them and all their support over the last two months.  Tomorrow is our last full day and I am going to have to try very hard to keep my tears back until the plane.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Martina and Eliska

It takes someone pretty special to get me in a boat on the river, considering the last time I almost froze to death (slightly dramatic but anyone who knows me knows that I am not good with cold), but for Martina I would have even swam.  I survived the cold and was a little nervous when Dave left her 12 year old in charge of the boat and went off in a canoe but she did a great job and I survived both.

 Eliska, so beautiful just like her Mummy

A great visit and one I hope to do again sooner rather than later.  I feel so lucky that Sebastian has got to meet so many special people in his first month of life.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Lawson Love

Sunday we were spoilt rotten with a visit from the Lawson's all the way from Sheffield.  It was so great to see them as I will miss them terribly in Phuket.  They brought Sebastian even more presents, spoiling him rotten, and also their new perfect puppy Nina came.

They arrived on the Sunday afternoon and Sebastian had loads of cuddles from everyone.

 That evening we had a great meal out and to make it even better Shelly joined us as well.

They stayed the night and we had a nice day out on Monday together.  It will be so strange being back in Phuket without them.  But like other people in my life have learnt, I am impossible to get rid of and I am quite sure they will be friends for life.

Monday, 19 August 2019

Wedding of the Year

Last week the weather was horrendous, freezing cold and pouring rain.  Tensions were running high on Lock Island as people prepared for the wedding of the year.  Drains got blocked, people got injured, the rain kept on coming and yet the Hopkins stayed positive and just got on with the wedding preparations.  Then Saturday arrived and what a beautiful day, the sun was out and the weather was warm, Lock Island magic.  It was just the most beautiful wedding.

 Presenting Tim and Lynne Hopkins.

Sebastian's first wedding and it was just wonderful.  It will be a very hard one to top.  We were so happy to be a part of it.