Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Jessica Day

Every morning we wake up and take Andes on a big two to three hour hike.  Tuesday was no different (I am behind on my posts!), we got up early took Andes for her walk and then I got us incredibly lost.  Luckily we met some nice people that pointed us back in the right direction, otherwise with no money or phone on us we would have been in trouble.  

 The weather has just been amazing, every day the trees seem to change colours even more.
Then Jessica took us out to the city to try some Korean things.  We went to a vegan Buddhist restaurant for a ten course meal, it was like nothing I have ever eaten before.  Loads of different flavours it was super yummy.

After lunch we walked around the city, it was super lovely.
We then went to a traditional tea restaurant,  it was super cute and probably the most expesive tea I have ever had in my life!  

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