Monday, 15 October 2018


I am definitely not a city person, I love travelling to new places but much prefer venturing into the country side over the big cities of a new place.  However, I do love my friends and if they live in a big city then that is where I will go.  And every time I do go I have a great time city or no city.  Jimmy and Jessica live on the out skirts of Seoul and therefore have mountain trails and river walks to keep us happy and active.  They also have a fabulous dog, Andes, who is equally going to enjoy our visit with all the extra walks.  Today we took Andes on a 12km river walk into the city and back.  The weather is perfect, warm, sunny and all the leaves are beginning to change.  A great day and now we are very ready for our dinner in the city.

 Last night Andes joined us for some cards, the bonding began.

A lovely adventure and now I cannot tell you how excited I am for my Plant Vegan dinner!

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