Thursday, 5 April 2018

My Favourite Class

The last two years I have taught two classes of the same year group, and I have loved every minute of it.  Today we said farewell to them before they start their IB examinations.  I really can't say that I have ever bonded with two entire classes like this before.   I will be so sad not to see them several times a week, catch up on their gossip and actually progress a lot in my subject.
We are all going out for dinner in May and I am sure I will see them somewhere around the world after that.  An amazing group who have worked so hard and made me so proud!
 My card from them
 Our last day picnic :)

 Decorating the classrooms, happy to report mine was not the satan one!

The school had a great send off for them and I am very excited to start a two week, long over due holiday.  I have never ever been so tired before!

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