Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Aunty Amanda and Birthday Dinner

I love being Aunty Amanda, not just to my actual family but to all my friends kiddies.  I have not played Aunty for a while so it was great to borrow some kids yesterday and get to be cool Aunty Amanda (not sure they thought I was cool) at Splash Jungle.

 Besides the Fisk kiddos, I also took Sara and Richard's kids who I am not sure were thrilled to go with their teacher!
My fabulous birthday present from the Hopkins!

 Luis decided to cook his meatball and cauliflower special dinner for the last night with the Hopkin/Fisks.  He was so thrilled to have Pip and Jake who were much better sous chefs than I have ever been.

And lucky me, a birthday surprise, my favourite ice cream cake.  It was a great last night to round off a wonderful holiday.  We have had so much fun and I will be so sad to say good bye in the next few hours.

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