Friday, 3 December 2021

Bangkok Here we Come

 It has been said that I am very competitive and I think it is usually not meant as a compliment.  I think it is generally seen as negative when associated with women.  I could write a whole book on what I see in schools and how it is seen as a positive trait in boys and not so much in girls.  But actually, this post has little to do with that and I will reserve all that chat for another post or maybe even an eventual book.  Back to the point.  When we left Thailand almost two years ago I had 12 000 Baht (about 400US) with me for some reason and when it became clear we were not going back Luis kept wanting me to change it.  It is impossible to change here and Luis calls it my Monopoly money.  But I hate losing on currency exchange and swore I would one day spend it again.  And now the connection, we are moving back to Thailand in July!  Now is it totally to prove to Luis that I was going to be able to spend that money again.  No, not really, but I do enjoy the fact that I will be able to.  In all seriousness, we cannot be happier to return to Thailand and the great city (which also begins with B), Bangkok.  Seven more months of the beach house and big city here we come.

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