Thursday, 28 October 2021


 Every few years there is a new big thing in teaching. Mindfulness has been around for a while and lots of schools talk about it within their well-being programs.  But usually, it is implemented badly and just something the school has put in place to check a box.  Further, most teachers I know do not do much about their own well-being as it is hard with all the pressures of the job.  I think I have done a poor job of taking care of myself in the past and well yesterday was the first day in years that I thought about a change.  For the first time since I have lived here, I took an hour out to walk our beach.  In my past life, I would have done that every morning and every day after school, for sure.  It was brilliant.  I just walked and thought and talked to myself and it was great.

I saw loads of stingrays swimming near the shore but not one other human being.  Oh and a dog.  It was beautiful and a gentle reminder of the beautiful place I live.

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