Sunday, 31 October 2021

North Coast Adventure and Meghan's

 Saturday morning Bruce took us on an adventure to the North Coast.  We have never been there before mainly as there is no beach.  During Dorain this part of the island was under 30 feet of water.  That is just crazy!

We had a lovely morning and picnic. We are hoping to go back and do some kayaking in that area.

Then we headed to Megan and Chris's fora. delicious Mexican meal.  A great weekend before we all head back to school on Monday.

Halloween and Friday Fun

 Friday was Sebastian's school Halloween party and he went as Marshall from Paw Patrol.  I found a washed-up construction hat, got some old material, spray paint, and some glue and he was ready to go.

His first expression looking in the mirror

He was so super duper sweet and wore the costume all day.

After school it was time for the adult party.  We headed over to Sinead's for some dinner and cocktails.  As always a great night.

Lola chilling in Sebastian's fort.  Looking good for almost 16!

Thursday, 28 October 2021


 Every few years there is a new big thing in teaching. Mindfulness has been around for a while and lots of schools talk about it within their well-being programs.  But usually, it is implemented badly and just something the school has put in place to check a box.  Further, most teachers I know do not do much about their own well-being as it is hard with all the pressures of the job.  I think I have done a poor job of taking care of myself in the past and well yesterday was the first day in years that I thought about a change.  For the first time since I have lived here, I took an hour out to walk our beach.  In my past life, I would have done that every morning and every day after school, for sure.  It was brilliant.  I just walked and thought and talked to myself and it was great.

I saw loads of stingrays swimming near the shore but not one other human being.  Oh and a dog.  It was beautiful and a gentle reminder of the beautiful place I live.

Monday, 25 October 2021

Mid Term Break

 Friday marked the start of our mid-term break.   I must say it does not feel too much like a break but maybe tomorrow will when I do not have to go to work.  Friday we just hung out here relaxing, the most uneventful start we have ever had to a break for sure!  Yesterday Sebastian and I went to Megan's to meet another child and do crafts.  Sebastian had a great time, he is often not the oldest and relished in this role.  Afterwards, we went to The Green Gamut for dinner.  I was SO EXCITED, even more, excited than I was for the opening of the supermarket.  We have been waiting for two months for the new restaurant to open.  It is the only place we rate as a place to eat and we love it.  Nakita and Emilio have done a great job and it is fabulous.

We had a dance party at Megan's, as you can see Sebastian gets his moves form his Mummy.

Just what Grand Bahama needed, I think we will be here most days this holiday just for a coffee and relaxing moment.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Coral Vita

 When we decided to move here Luis was super excited about this company, Coral Vita.  They are doing major work on restoring reefs by not only growing coral 50 times faster then they would in the wild but also creating stronger coral to combat against disease and hurricanes.  Then amazingly one of the partners, Sam, moved in next door and Luis' best buddy, Amir, is an instrumental part of the project.  We were all super excited when they won the earth shot prize on Sunday for reviving our oceans.   It is amazing for the Bahamas and hopefully a major break through for all reefs around the world.   Today Luis took Year 7 (his secret favourite) to the farm to see how it is all done.

Sam, on the left, is our neighbour.  Gator is on the right, big Liverpool fan and his partner one of the most loyal wine club members.

They had an amazing time, it really is quite something what humans can do if we put our mind to good (and sadly bad).

Monday, 18 October 2021

Magical Day

There is no doubt that we are totally spoiled with the beach we live on.  I am certain we will look back and think how lucky we were to live here.  And although it is always quite nice, there are days when it is just spectacular.  Yesterday was one of those days.  Properly amazing, we saw stingrays at our shore, loads of starfish, and just regular beautiful fish.

Unless we have people over this is the busiest our beach gets.

Out for a kayak

Sebastian now in a mask.

This ray was so close to me and I got the best video.  It actually turned and came right up to me, I think it could smell I was one of the good people that do not eat animals!