Thursday, 20 May 2021

Wednesday Fish Fry

 The Bahamas is not part of the Caribbean, and Bahamians will tell you they are not.  They are not even close, we discuss all the time with the students.  However, the other more Southern islands have a lot of similar history to the rest of the Caribbean and even if not Geographical they recognise that it is culturally.  Grand Bahama is different, as I discussed before, people only settled here 60-70 years ago.  Having said all that they roll with the Caribbean label as they all know it is good for tourism.  And last night it was the second time that I actually felt that culture, and I LOVED IT!! We took Des and Ali's son (who just arrived) to the Wednesday Night Fish Fry (I snuck in my vegan lasagna).  The music was the best, it was cheap and well I loved it.

Best night ever!

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