Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Long Weekend Antics

 We were lucky enough to come back to school and have a long weekend immediately.  We started it off by a few people over on Friday night and a small celebration for Peter's 50th birthday.  Saturday we went to the botanical gardens for a walk and then had a movie day.  And Sunday we were invited to a delicious lunch at Ali and Simon's.  Alison could definitely open a restaurant, her food is so fantastic.  She made everything vegan for me, even a great apple crumble.  

The cake that I made.  It looks like a 10 year old did it, but I covered it in candy to help disguise this fact.

Sebastian got a late Christmas present.  He loves opening gifts.
Dancing with his number one 9 year old.
Lovely ladies
Sebastian finally getting into books
Botanical garden walks

And lots of walks on the beach.  We had a great afternoon walking our neighbours dog for them.  Sebastian loved playing fetch with him.

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