Monday, 31 August 2020

Exploring Grand Bahama

We deiced to have a Sunday exploring day as Grand Bahama is actually quite a huge island.  Our first destination was Lucaya National Park.  To get there we took a long highway, possibly the most depressing highway I have driven down.  It is so clear there was a devastating hurricane not so long ago.  The trees are all ripped apart and power lines down.  Then we arrived at the park entrance...

It was all boarded up and quite depressing.
We then went for petrol and our happy moment of the day so far was that from less than empty to almost full was $30.  We thought that was a steal.

After feeling more than a little deflated and missing our hold home terribly we explored Lucaya marina.  It cheered us up, we found some open restaurants and bars.  You can see that it was a very happening place pre-Covoid.  So there is some hope!
All and all, not a bad adventure day out.  The day before full-time online classes begin.  We are both feeling nervous and under a little bit of pressure.  A new school is never easy, online is a whole new level.


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