Sunday, 23 February 2020

Last Day in Myanamar

So sad to be leaving this country probably for the last time, at least for some time.  I have so much to say about this but want to get my thoughts together carefully before writing more about it.  It was a struggle to decide whether visiting was a good idea.  Does the positive of supporting the people (of the regions we visited anyways) of Myanmar outweigh the negatives of putting money into a horrible government?  I think it does and for many reasons which I will write another day.  But I want to end our trip on a positive.  We had such a great time with the Hopkins, the people in Bagan and Npagali beach were just the friendliest most helpful people I have ever encountered.  The pride to show off their country was in abundance and I was so happy to let them know how much we appreciated it and love their country.  Traveling with the Hopkin/Fisk crew in this special place was just amazing.  It was our third year together and probably the best one yet.  I expect next year to be even better!
 On a village bike ride.  I just loved this working cart.

 Dad went to the market and got us all new beach hats.

 Trying some local sweet rice food.
 Someone is sitting up!

 Our last evening together.
We just had such an amazing time. But I was so happy to get home last night.  I love our home and I am definitely going to miss it next year.  I am actually going to miss South East Asia tremendously.  I love the people, the culture, the places.   But time for new adventures.

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