Saturday, 18 January 2020

Friday and Saturday Night

We made it out Friday and Saturday night!  Amazing, not for long but we were social and it was lovely.  It has in fact been a very busy weekend so far, and with a baby brunch date tomorrow it is possibly our busiest time yet since being in Phuket.

 Friday night we went to our local market, having not been for ages.  It was busy busy and we got to see some of our friends we do not see near enough of.  
 Saturday morning we got up early and headed to the running lake for the 5th day in a row.  Me and Sebastian walking around and Luis running. He always invents races with other people there (not sure they realise) and today was a win!
 Celebration coffee with hippo.  

Saturday night out with this lovely duo.  An average at best meal, some terrible wine but the company made it a fantastic night out.  Now looking forward to tomorrow :)

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