How many times have I had to eat my words since having Sebastian? I would not even like to start counting... But I was certainly not turning my living space into baby space and definitely not making baby jail. Eating those words! (in my defense we have a pool right outside our door and I feel super nervous about it). So this morning Sebastian wanted to have his friends over to play in his new baby play pen, and I thought that was fair as he put up with a weekend with big people last weekend.
He loves his buds and I love their Mums so it works out well for everyone.
The EcuaFam are a pretty important family and I just love seeing any of them. We are a big expanding family and it was great that we could all get together this weekend. Yesterday we spent the day at the beach together and then had a lovely evening at the house. I introduced many people into the horribleness of the show Naked Attraction (as they really could not believe it existed) and we just enjoyed an evening chilling together. Oh and I also wanted to add in that I forgot to mention in yesterdays post, I made those fabulous team t-shirts and am super proud of them!
Ecua cousins sleeping together
The beach looking beautiful
Laura, a new member to the family. Jimmy's partner, we love her!
Everyone learning that I was not telling a lie, Naked Attraction really exists. Google it is you do not know it, in for a shock.
For Luis's birthday I organised a long weekend with the EcuaFam in Asia (it is a little late but hey that is when we could all do it). We have rented a big house and have a full itinerary planned. Friday we just all stayed in the house as the KKL people flew in quite late. Yesterday we started at the best water park I have ever been to and then out for a Mexican. And of course there were team t-shirts.
Love these people.
Luis has to share his late birthday weekend with Sebastian who turned 6 months today!! I cannot believe how the time has passed and how much he has grown. I know all parents say this but really really he is jut the happiest funniest baby ever and we are so lucky to have him.
We spent the morning on a street art scavenger hunt. And then met up with Jodi, River and Isla.
What a wonderful family that we have been so fortunate to be so close to. Every time we see them it is so surprising how much bigger the kids have gotten.
Here are a couple six month shots of Sebastians and his friends. A great six month birthday!
Three months later and Luis's birthday continues... For his birthday we gave him a long weekend away in Penang. Penang is primarily known for Visa runs from Thailand (borders on the South), food and street art. Georgetown, where we are staying right now is a UNISCO world heritage sight and so far has been quite the pleasant surprise. I love love the hotel I booked, a small one tucked away in the old town and I think we will have a nice few days here.
Our room is just gorgeous
And the hotel atmosphere so nice and the staff could not be more helpful, it is called the Muntri Grove just in case.
We spent our first evening in 'Little Indian' and found some great Indian to have, spoilt for choice.
Sunday brunch with the babies..
We made it out Friday and Saturday night! Amazing, not for long but we were social and it was lovely. It has in fact been a very busy weekend so far, and with a baby brunch date tomorrow it is possibly our busiest time yet since being in Phuket.
Friday night we went to our local market, having not been for ages. It was busy busy and we got to see some of our friends we do not see near enough of.
Saturday morning we got up early and headed to the running lake for the 5th day in a row. Me and Sebastian walking around and Luis running. He always invents races with other people there (not sure they realise) and today was a win!
Celebration coffee with hippo.
Saturday night out with this lovely duo. An average at best meal, some terrible wine but the company made it a fantastic night out. Now looking forward to tomorrow :)