Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Sebastian Henry

Sebastian Henry arrived into the world the morning of Tuesday July 23rd, to very excited and proud parents.  He is just gorgeous and I just cannot believe he came out of me!  We are super happy and also ridiculously tired, I just did not know this level of exhaustion existed.  Totally worth it though, just means I cannot write much, and loads might make no sense.  Here are some of the hundreds of pictures taken so far!

Emergency c section, and he was out in 6 minutes.  What a crazy night/morning it was.

 Mummy cuddles

Lots of Daddy cuddles.
 Sebastian's first visitors start to arrive.. 

 Auntie Nicola cuddles
 Denny cuddles
6.2 pounds of total love.  I will try not to over baby the blog, but I think it is fair that I get at least a week of insane amount of pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Amanda! So happy for you all and Sebastian is adorable. With love, Christine (Molly Southwood's) Mum.
