Tuesday, 11 June 2019

My Non Baby Shower

From day dot I have told everyone how much I did not want a baby shower.  It was not like I did kinda not want one, I REALLY wanted nothing to do with it.  There are many reasons that I did not want one, I am a bit superstitious, I am not into traditional women things and I think it is torture to make a pregnant women drink no wine playing games that everyone else thinks is fun as they are drinking wine! 
Therefore, my lovely friends got around this by having a surprise 'this is not a baby shower get together'.  It was fabulous and I think largely marketable as a new thing.  Instead of doing games, we watched videos that friends and family had made for me, they are amazing.  The food was delicious and I am so grateful for the community I have made here and other places around the world.  This baby is certainly coming into the world surrounding by loads of love.

 Lizzie giving me the BEST baby blanket and hat ever!  The first one she has ever made, I feel so honoured and will treasure it.

 The ladies making a baby mobile, I have not seen it yet and cannot wait to see it completed.

Watching the wonderful videos!
This is from the Ecua family and the one on Youtube that I can post :)

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