Saturday, 25 May 2019

Perfect Saturday

Our Saturdays usually start with beach walks and breakfast, this Saturday was no exception.  A lovely walk on the beach followed by a great breakfast, healthy and really just perfect (I really wish I took a picture of my dish!).  Luis went off tutoring and I had to go to graduation.  Graduation is a mandatory event and every year I begrudge going and every year I go and enjoy it.  It is lovely to see the kids you have taught for a few years complete the end of this journey.  It was also great to see some of last years graduates and hear about what they are doing.  We then headed to Boat Lagoon to have a coffee and snack.  We ended the day by building a rocking chair and watching a movie (that didn't take hours for me to find and we both liked, not an easy task).
 William the 3rd, one of my favourites :)

 Sam, with any luck will be President of the world one day (another one of my many favourites)..
 A little date at the marina.
 Rocking chair building, we ended up with no left over screws (first time ever), so hoping this chair has a better fate then the bed we put together.
Nothing overly special to make this day so perfect.  But maybe that was the key, not an over planned day, just a day spent together.  

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