Friday, 31 May 2019

Jacqui's Birthday

This baby is being born to a much better prepared mummy, largely down to wonderful Jacqui.  The baby has more clothes than I do, thanks to Jacqui, has play items and bouncy things to keep them entertained, thanks to Jacqui and a mother that been calmed down on her most panicked days, again down to Jacqui.   But besides that, which has been a massive help, it is great to celebrate such a strong women.  One that isn't scared to fight the good fight and works every day to help make the world a better place.
 Made yesterday morning by me
 and shockingly not even burnt (or so I was told, I couldn't have any).

 Dinner at a near by swanky restuarant.

 Thai fusion.  The tacos were good, and I have had them once before but I think the Mexican versions are still my favourite.

 Another, not nearly as yummy as mine I am sure, birthday cake :)
The ladies out to celebrate Jacqui.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Khao Soi Kim

My new knick name for Kim, is going to have to be Khao Soi Kim.   She had Jacqui and myself over for an early birthday dinner (for Jacqui) last night and she made the most amazing Khao Soi ever.  Khao Soi is a dish from Northern Thailand and not overly available in the restaurants in Phuket, but also a favourite of many.  She made a truly authentic Khao Soi making the entire thing from scratch.  
 The birthday girl
 The hostess, she had everything set up for sunset on her balcony..
 ...a beautiful evening
 We were told to wear birthday glam, I barely squeezed into this dress.
 Kim explaining her master piece
 The food!
My dress was a bit ambitious and after eating I think I almost exploded out of it so Kim gave me this much more comfortable one.  We are going to have to travel a far way next school year to get the sort of food we did last night, but we are up for a trip to Japan to get some more of Kim's cooking.

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Perfect Saturday

Our Saturdays usually start with beach walks and breakfast, this Saturday was no exception.  A lovely walk on the beach followed by a great breakfast, healthy and really just perfect (I really wish I took a picture of my dish!).  Luis went off tutoring and I had to go to graduation.  Graduation is a mandatory event and every year I begrudge going and every year I go and enjoy it.  It is lovely to see the kids you have taught for a few years complete the end of this journey.  It was also great to see some of last years graduates and hear about what they are doing.  We then headed to Boat Lagoon to have a coffee and snack.  We ended the day by building a rocking chair and watching a movie (that didn't take hours for me to find and we both liked, not an easy task).
 William the 3rd, one of my favourites :)

 Sam, with any luck will be President of the world one day (another one of my many favourites)..
 A little date at the marina.
 Rocking chair building, we ended up with no left over screws (first time ever), so hoping this chair has a better fate then the bed we put together.
Nothing overly special to make this day so perfect.  But maybe that was the key, not an over planned day, just a day spent together.  

Friday, 24 May 2019

30 Weeks

Thirty weeks! It feels good to be here although I must say it feels much much longer than that.  Not too long too go though, time to start getting things together.  I should probably buy a doll and practice carrying it around, not sure I have ever even held a new born.  But I am sure it will all be fine and some maternal instincts will kick in (so I have been told anyways).  
Saturday morning means our family walk and breakfast, Luis took a few pictures of the not too much bigger than last pictures baby bump.

Lola not only has her neighbourhood dog friends but also is making new ones at the beach.  This is one of her besties, a puppy (few months old) at one of the beach restaurants.  They are great playmates.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Me Day

Yesterday morning, as I waited around for workers to finish some work on the house I debated how to spend my day.  Not going to lie, feeling a little sorry for myself and totally bored out of my mind.  I have discovered that with my new booze free life that i accomplish more in three hours then I use to all weekend.  This is good in one way, meaning all possible chores are done and dusted Friday evening but bad in another way as I run out of things to do.  And then it dawned on me that I possibly have very few days left where I am on my own and decided to turn it into a 'Me Day'.
So I went to get my nails done, something I never do and then headed for the beach for a big long stroll (another thing I don't do now that Lola doesn't like to walk too far).  I completed the day by buying myself some Mexican, having a quick visit with Luis and then going home to read a book.

 High season has well and truly gone, zero people on the beach today.

 I shouldn't say I was totally alone, I had the baby bump with me!
 My favourite Mexican truck stop (and the only one to be fair).
My lovely new nails, something I imagine I will not have time to do in a couple months!  Goodness this is now coming quickly.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Lawson Time

In only four weeks I will be departing to the UK and it will be getting very close to meeting the baby.  In one hand this is obviously super exciting but on the other hand super sad as this means I only have four weeks of Lawson time!  So I am just going to have to enjoy every minute I can with them.  Last night was Alastair's birthday so had some food, swimming and dancing in celebration.

 We had all the toppings

 A delicious vegan birthday cake

And we could never have an evening without a little dancing.  The Lawson's now have 'Just Dance' the only video game that I just love.  I had a few dance off's, and I don't want to brag but I did win them all.  Another lovely evening spent with a very special family.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Lola Love

In Lola's golden years, she has become amazingly loving.  It is quite incredible, she seems to not only tolerate other dogs but even seems to like a few.  She also wants to cuddle not only when I am feeling sad but seems happy to all the time.  It is actually pretty amazing and something I have waited for for almost 14 years!
However, last night was a night that i really needed the cuddles.  A colleague of mine died after a motorcycle accident on Monday.  It has been a huge shock to me and of course the entire school community.  It has been so strange to come to school and not see him and quite unbelievable that he was just here last week.  Last night was one of the prayer nights (all part of the funeral), particularly put on for the school and the students and at the very last minute I was told I could not go as the temple would not allow pregnant women.  I felt horrible as I work very closely with his wife and well just wanted to be there.  It has certainly been a reminder not to sweat the small things and live life to the fullest.  But certainly a terrible way to be reminded.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Sugar Free, Booze Free

I am one lucky lady to have the friends that I do.  Last night Ruth and Adam had us over for a sugar and alcohol free dinner.  Now this is was an unexpected, unnecessary but much appreciated gesture.  They made such an effort to make sure all the food was on my new approved list of foods.  To make such an effort with the food is one thing but then for all only to have water with dinner takes it to a new level (although to be clear, I am not crazy and would not have minded in the least if they had a drink).

 I tried to make some extra special hummus, found this great recipe, even had tahini (a very hard ingredient to get here).  But prego brain got in the way and for some unknown reason without thinking I added half a cup of lemon squash.  You have never ever tasted hummus so foul in your life.  I was hoping maybe I invented some new amazing dip, but no never try this.
 The hosts, from day one of our arrival in Thailand they have helped us and continue to be super supportive lovely friends.
 Even Lola got an invite and she has been known to be a bit nasty to Bella in the past.  But she has totally mellowed in her old age, I think she has reflected and decided it is much nicer just to be kind.
A great evening out, a rare occasion these days, but one that we must try to do more often as imagine it will be an even rarer occurrence in a few months!

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Times a Changing

Being pregnant and getting ready for the baby have brought a lot of changes to my life.  I have traded white wine for sparkling water, coffee for decaf and more recently chocolate for carrot sticks.  Not complaining, happy to do it (most days anyways!).
Yesterday was a big day of change for us.  We sold White Rider, my favourite car of all time...
...super fast, loud, pop up lights and well pretty much a timeless gem and put the money towards..
...a new crib and some paint for babies for room. Yep, times are definitely changing!!  Going to miss good old White Rider but super excited but baby's room :)

Monday, 6 May 2019

The King's Coronation

This weekend was the new King of Thailands official coronation, a three day event that gave us a much deserved long weekend.  That is one thing I miss about working here, there are no long weekends and I do miss that.   I spent most of the weekend trying to eat very healthy and organise our house.  But did manage to get a fun games night in on Sunday night.

 Becoming a favourite of many, Dixit.  Jacqui made a ridiculous amount of delicious food and a fun night was had by all.
 Not long now before Kim leaves us for Japan.  We need to get a lot of Kim time in before she goes!
My Vegan Sunday but really Monday night roast.  I was so super proud of it.  My cauliflower cheese I thought was particularly nice considering I had never made it before.  And I traded regular mash for sweet potatoes, trying to keep my sugar down :)  Back to the grind today, but only six weeks left to go!