Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Bye Bye Year 13

Another Year 13 done and dusted.  Yesterday was my last class with the seniors before they go off on study leave for their finals.  I must say I do get kinda attached to the kids, especially at this age and am always sad to see them go.  I am still in touch with quite a few through out the world from previous years and can imagine I will hear from a couple of these ones now and then.  We had a little celebration with some cake (that I did not make, but ordered so same same) and some dancing.

 Only one or two faces missing, I have had a great time with this lot and will miss all the laughs we had in class.
 One of the students gave me my first baby gift.  Now I just have to figure out what everything in the package is for!
It was a brilliant cake, the Maths on the note that they put on was actually complicated and correct!  

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