Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Beach Days andTaco Tuesdays

The dry season, funny enough, is just so much more beautiful and lovely than the wet.  I cannot remember the last real rain we had, and to get up everyday to lovely blue skies and calm crystal clear waters is pretty fabulous (the sea is so dramatically different in the rainy season, unswimable really).  Of course, I always find myself too busy to enjoy the season as much as I should, but going to make a real effort this season.

 Off to a good start, hanging at the beach with some friends (best way to do it).  The water is just so different from the rainy season I really should post some pictures together to show the dramatic change.

Also an attempt to get out of the house more and basically to stop binge watching Netflix, I am trying to do things throughout the week.  This brings us to Taco Tuesday.  Who doesn't love Mexican, and an added bonus all you can eat Mexican!  You basically had to roll me out.   

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