Sunday, 23 December 2018

Hospitals and Family

Yesterday poor Luis woke up to even more pain and therefore another trip to Bristol hospital.  We spent most of the day there, the entire day there and came bag with a huge bag of medications for Luis to take.  They are hopeful his horrible ear infections will start getting better by the 25th...  As a side note, we have both been so impressed by the NHS, the staff and the care has been exceptional. 
He has been up and down since then, mainly keeping it calm but he did make it out for short walk to try and get some fresh air.  Obviously this is not ideal, Luis being sick, but we have enjoyed our time just hanging inside with the family.  We have even made a couple of Ecuador meals.
 My empanads
 Luis's soup
 A little reading

 Luis resting with the Dude

I thought getting him outside for a bit might do him some good, but I think maybe he needs a little more inside rest time to totally recoup.  Some more relaxing and early night again tonight!  We gotta get him better for the big day!

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