Friday, 16 November 2018

Beautiful Layan

I am not sure there is much more calming and relaxing then the views nature provides us with.  I guess that is why I have never been a city person and have always preferred exploring the countryside of new places.  This is Layan beach, our beach, I go there about five times a week.  Sometimes not for long, and mainly just to walk Lola.  But really today was just so magically beautiful and just the view I needed to take in for a little while.

It is amazing how different this water is in the rainy season and also how empty the beach is considering it is one of the most beautiful spots on the island.  Half an hour South and you would be hard pressed to find a spot on a beach now. But we have not completely escaped the rain just yet, just ask Lola who spent the last hour cowering in our closet.  Hopefully, not too many rainy nights to get through now!

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