Thursday, 29 November 2018

Family Dinner

With Ricardo (one of several childhood best friends) leaving today, we had our favourite Indian family dinner last night.  
 Everyone was there (even if Luis looks a little crazy here).
 Even Charlie dropped in (but Lola still prefers Charlie to watch from outside).
 And apparently Lola does not like indian as much as we do.

 So poor Lola went without.  But thats the rule at our table, you gotta eat what it served.  Haha, of course not, with a face like that Lola Cola gets what she wants! Either way a nice meal and it was lovely to have Ricardo here, and now as he leaves another one arrives...

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Best Childhood Friend...

I can't tell you how many 'best childhood friends' Luis has but pretty much every time he tells me about any friend, they were a best one from childhood.  I have heard about Ricardo for some time and now have had the pleasure meeting him this week as he staying with us during part of his Thai travels.  They have not seen each other in 17 years as he moved to Spain as a teenager and they have been busy spending time together and catching up. 

 Although I am so happy that Luis gets to see his friend, I can't say that I overly enjoy these sort of pictures when I am at work!  What a beautiful day they had yesterday!
 Even Lola was a bit annoyed as she didn't get to go on the trip either.

But we did get taken along to a beach sunset and some dinner.  So not all bad!  

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Ms. Pia

It is so good to see Pia anytime but I was even more thrilled to get a night with her this weekend.  She is visiting her family in Malaysia and took a night out to spend with me.  We had such a lovely time catching up.  She is just such a wonderful strong person and I just so enjoyed my night.  It was just lovely, she is super supportive and just the night I needed.  

Then a lovely evening on the beach with Lola Cola to finish off the weekend.  I can't believe how much busier the beach is.  One week ago there was about three people on it at the same time and now packed!  The high season is now in full swing!

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Loy Krathong

Loy Krathong is a huge annual festival in Thaliand to give thanks to the water that we are provided with.  At school we have a beautiful celebration assembly from Thai department about how important it is in Thai culture.  Last night we went down to the running lake close to us to put a krathong in the water and make our wish (custom).

 And what a day for wishes, we definitely were in need of a wish!
The place was packed and they had loads of games and food (Luis trying to win me a stuff toy).  
The total irony is that all the food stalls had tonnes of plastic containers for their food, the games tonnes of plastic and loads was just floating back into the lake.  Unfortunately, Thailand has such a huge problem with plastic usage and dumping in water, that really they shoudld turn this one day holiday into an everyday thing and stop the water contamination.

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Isla's First Birthday

It was super lovely to be able to attend Isla's first birthday yesterday.  It makes me and Luis the only family or friends to have attended both of their children's first birthday (I felt pretty special).  After a few days just trying to relax and chill (as I don't do that often), it was super nice to join Jodi, Dylan, their kiddos and some of their friends for the celebrations.  
 And look who else we ran into at brunch

 My handsome hubbie

 The birthday cake and River
 Jodi was the first person I met in Ecuador.  As they were my neighbours our balconies attached and I remember the day they moved in (the day after me), I was on the balcony with Karen and this stunning girl came out onto her balcony, Jodi.  I was so thankful to meet her and I just knew we were going to be great friends.  It is so nice they come to Phuket so much and to have them just next door in Singapore.
We stole their family for a moment to have a picture.  Lovely to see them as always.

Friday, 16 November 2018

Beautiful Layan

I am not sure there is much more calming and relaxing then the views nature provides us with.  I guess that is why I have never been a city person and have always preferred exploring the countryside of new places.  This is Layan beach, our beach, I go there about five times a week.  Sometimes not for long, and mainly just to walk Lola.  But really today was just so magically beautiful and just the view I needed to take in for a little while.

It is amazing how different this water is in the rainy season and also how empty the beach is considering it is one of the most beautiful spots on the island.  Half an hour South and you would be hard pressed to find a spot on a beach now. But we have not completely escaped the rain just yet, just ask Lola who spent the last hour cowering in our closet.  Hopefully, not too many rainy nights to get through now!

Monday, 12 November 2018

I Have a Teenager

Thirteen years ago today a beautiful puppy was born on a farm in Devon, five weeks later I met her for the first time and I can tell you it was love at first sight.  I still remember her bounding over her brothers and sisters to come and meet me (which is slightly strange as she is probably the most unsociable dog ever).   And that was it, love.  She has been my greatest confident, my side kick, she has seen me at my lowest and my happiest and I love her dearly.  Happy birthday to the bestest friend a girl could ask for!
 Last day of twelve
First day of 13

 Family photo, look how regal she looks here.
All I can hope is that she does not become even more moody as a teenager! Love her loads!  Happy birthday Lola Cola!

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Vlad and Phuket Town

The last week we have been entertaining one of Luis's friends from Moscow.  And with Luis at work and a bit sick this weekend, I got the hard job of taking him to the beach!  What a beautiful beach weekend, I actually spent some time lying on the beach which we very rarely do (mainly just a walk).
Saturday night we took him to dinner in Phuket Town, I just never realised how nice it is.  I guess we have only been a couple times at night and clearly to the wrong places.  Luckily Iwisyi and Rob live there and no all the cool places.
We met here before dinner, and I was happy to see they had good taste.

 We had a really nice evening and dinner.  There is definitely come nice places.

Today was a lovely relaxing day on the beach.   Hopefully, the weather stays this week and there can be a few ore relaxing days looking at this view.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Beautiful Sky Beautiful Lady

What a sky last night!! Lizzie and myself went out for a long over due catch up and dinner.  I just love her and just love when we meet up.  So many world changing ideas and thoughts on how we should live our lives.   And the sky was just amazing, probably lots of pollution but it did look nice.

Just magical!