Saturday, 15 September 2018

Come Dine With Me #1

Last night Kim and Sean kicked off the first evening of our three couple Come Dine With Me competition with what can easily be the winning night.  We love a little fancy dress and even on short notice all went dressed up, the menu was fabulous and the entertainment was really good fun.  It was a cracking night and has left the next two couples (us and Ruth and Adam) shaking in our boots a bit.
 Lola hates fighting so was totally unimpressed with Luis's ninja outfit!
 Adam and Luis the ninjas

 Not really sure the proper name for what we were going for but we looked pretty cute.

 They promised sundowners with a sunset, and even on the rainiest of days they delivered!

 A little Ecua treat from Luis (not the KKK by the way, rather an Ecua card playing group).

 All the players.
 Super yummy appetizer
 The hosts, they did such a great job, going first is never easy. I am super nervous now and jealous that they get to just enjoy the upcoming ones!
 And well the sushi was amazing!  I think it is so hard to get it right, I have tried several times years ago and just decided buying it was best.  But they nailed it, four different types and they looked and tasted great.
One final shot of the ladies, great night!  I wish I had pictures of the game, it was a version of the game that most of my friends in the UK know as 'Amanda's game' (which clearly it isn't), with a really fun.  I might actually steal it!

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