Saturday, 18 August 2018

Cape Sienna..again

It is super nice that the school provides a dinner before the start of school and at the end of the year, but I do think it needs shaking up a bit.  Cape Sienna is a lovely spot and the food is always great, but it does get slightly same same.  In saying that we had a brilliant night with old friends and new ones and I am thankful that school puts it on.
 My new Head of Maths, Richard and also the birthday boy.
 I am taking some credit for this photo trend.  I hate taking pictures without sunglasses (they cover a lot of the wrinkles) and it has become quite catchy with the ladies.

 My Muay Thai inspiration, this women can kick some serious butt (but never would as she is too kind to real life fight)
 I believe the exact same photo from every Sienna dinner.
 My Come Dine with me ladies, love them..
Dinner done time for a few cocktails. Good night ending in some dancing, I love a little dancing.

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