Friday, 31 August 2018

Jimmy and Friday Night

Every year I forget how busy term one is and for some reason this one seems even busier.  I cannot believe this work week has finished, it just seemed to fly by.  It is good to be busy and I complain when I am not but I am tired.  Well was tired as then Jimmy Gormley flew in for the weekend and I found my second wind.  I love that so many of the Ecuafam now live in Asia and I hope more are yet to come.  

 The first thing I did was take him to the Friday night market for a few drinks and food.
 Emma was over the moon to find this deal, a drink and a free rubber ducky!

 As always a treat to have Jimmy with us!
Two of my fav new people, watch this space they will be on here more!

Sunday, 26 August 2018

The V Word

I think most non-veggie/vegans can't stand people even saying they are vegan.  I say this from the reactions on peoples face once you say you are vegan or in my case trying to be.  I think this probably happens for a million in one reasons.  Either way I hate saying the word, I hate saying that I am trying to actually go vegan and I think that is a real shame.  I also realised that the handful of people who look at my blog from time to time are probably fed up with all my posts about it (except my sister and Luis) but well it is a big part of life, food.
Last night was the first Vegan club dinner, with a few missing faces and a few new faces.  The theme was Indian and everyone did a grand job making food.
 Luis cooking, i tried but apparently it was a big fail.
 Vivvi in her dancing clothes
 New member, Mr. Green

 Ruth and Adam also gave it a go

Great food, people, games and dancing.

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Emma's 30th

We have a new lady in our department at school, her name is Emma and she is fabulous!  She definitely is going to add some life to the department and Phuket.  I knew it the minute I met her and every time we have been out together in the last couple of weeks.  Last night she invited us to her 30th birthday dinner at a beautiful villa that her and her friends rented.  Her friends are ridiculously fun and has made my Friday a little longer than I would have hoped!

We have a new lady in our department at school, her name is Emma and she is fabulous!  She definitely is going to add some life to the department and Phuket life.  I knew it the minute I met her and every time we have been out together in the last couple weeks.  Last night she invited us to her 30th birthday dinner at a beautiful villa that her and her friends rented.  Her friends are ridiculously fun and has made my Friday a little longer than I would have hoped!

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Vegan and First Days

The first day of school with the students was also the start date of my 'put my money where my mouth is and give up all animal products'.  I am sure it will not be easy but I am going to try very hard to go vegan. I do think it is the right thing to do, health wise, environment wise and my biggest reason the animals.  Recently I have seen posts about ethical farming, and I just think what garbage.  Who in the world defined ethical farming, I can assure you not the animals! If people want to eat meat, I think that is their choice and I would never argue with them, however call a spade a spade, there is no nice way to kill an animal for your benefit.  There are really cruel ways, like factory farming, but no way is a nice way.
Okay, small lecture over, but it is my blog and I can write what I want.
Now on to the first days of school, I can tell you this is the first year that I have really gone in feeling what is the point.  I feel like I am on a hamster wheel, doing the same thing every year and making no impact on the world at all.  And it would be nice to feel like one does.  This is obviously not the best way to start a new year and I am happy to report that after day two with the kiddos I am feeling much better.  I can do this!
 Lovely husband in full support of my choice, I came home to a fully delicious vegan supper.
My new Year 7's created this beautiful colourful display board!  Upping my game now, feeling inspired again (hopefully it lasts).

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Sunday Breakfast Anantara

This morning I had a ladies birthday breakfast for Charlotte (art teacher at school).  I still can't get over the small island I live in and the amount of times I go to a place I have never been or seen before.  This hotel is just around the bend from the beach where I take Lola walking several times a week.  It was a lovely breakfast and suitable for all eating requirements.  I can imagine it would have a great view too if it was not pouring with rain all morning.

 My favourite breakfast, well actually my favourite anytime meal, curry.

 Charlotte had a lovely turn out for her birthday.  I don't even think I know that many ladies here.

It was nice to get out for breakfast on a Sunday as it meant I was home before noon and ready to spend my day watching Netflix rather than doing the work I should be doing.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Cape Sienna..again

It is super nice that the school provides a dinner before the start of school and at the end of the year, but I do think it needs shaking up a bit.  Cape Sienna is a lovely spot and the food is always great, but it does get slightly same same.  In saying that we had a brilliant night with old friends and new ones and I am thankful that school puts it on.
 My new Head of Maths, Richard and also the birthday boy.
 I am taking some credit for this photo trend.  I hate taking pictures without sunglasses (they cover a lot of the wrinkles) and it has become quite catchy with the ladies.

 My Muay Thai inspiration, this women can kick some serious butt (but never would as she is too kind to real life fight)
 I believe the exact same photo from every Sienna dinner.
 My Come Dine with me ladies, love them..
Dinner done time for a few cocktails. Good night ending in some dancing, I love a little dancing.

Thursday, 16 August 2018


First week back at work and the struggle is real and the kids have not even arrived yet!  But it is great to get back into some sort of routine and normal life.  It is also wonderful starting a third year at a school, you pretty much know how everything runs and what to expect.  I imagine it gets even easier starting a fourth year but I would not know as never made it that far before.  We have had a week of meetings and getting ready and now I just want the kiddies back.  I have also started back at the Muay Thai gym, which has been fantastic (never mind I am in the worst shape ever after this summer).

After the session I tried for the first and last time, Durian, the notoriously bad smelling Thai fruit.  This fruit is banned from hotels and many public places due to its horrible smell.  I had heard that it actually tastes quite good, so I braved it today when offered.  Well it doesn't taste so good, not as bad as the smell but certainly I am not running out to buy more!  Only one more day left till weekend, happy to be back at work but still a weekend is a weekend!

Monday, 13 August 2018

Hawaii 5-0

Last night we celebrated Adam's 50th birthday at his Hawaii themed party.  What a great night and event, Ruth did a fantastic job and all had a great time.  We spent yesterday putting together our costumes, I even made the Leis by hand (I wanted to do grass skirts but just didn't manage it).

A lovely last party of the summer, tomorrow we commence again with school.  I have had a brilliant summer and now am looking forward to starting school and some sort of routine again!