Friday, 6 July 2018

Hopewell Plantation

In my family we have many amazing creative artists, cooks and writers. I however have failed to acquire any of these skills.  My art lessons were horrific, I won't even start about my cooking and well you obviously read this blog...
Last night I was treated to another fantastic meal by another one of the great talents of the family, Vicki (cousin and suspected sister).  She just whipped together a ridiculously good salad, a chick pea dish that was too die for and some perfectly seasoned and grilled veg.  
It was a bit chilly up at Hopewell, but some good food, family, new friends and wine definitely warmed me up.
 Luke is apparently also a master chef, but as he made the chicken I will just have to take peoples word for it.

Finally met the Italians I hear so much about, loved them!
Hottie refers to me as the communist, so I went out and bought a red shirt for the occasion!  By the way I am a socialist not a communist :)

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