Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Rockley Pub Quiz

Anyone who reads this blog (all two of you) knows I love a pub quiz.  I love hosting a pub quiz, entering a pub quiz and most of all winning a pub quiz.  I was disappointed to find out yesterday that my cousin Craig plays in a quiz on a Tuesday night and that they had a full team.  But then just before dinner, I got the call, one of the regular members had cancelled and I had a place on the team.  I was pretty nervous as this was no regular pub quiz team, they play to win and often do. 

 It was hard to take any pictures as they have a very strict no phone rule, and this team was not messing about.
It was a great quiz (I even answered some questions, usually I am just there to write the answers down) and the best part was we won!  A really fun night out so happy I got the call up.

And then came home to these great pictures of Luis in Ecuador.  It looks as though he is having a great time but missing him loads here!


  1. Well done, we are off to a very, low key lighthearted quiz tonight! Enjoy your vacation.

    1. For some reason I never saw any of your comments!! Well in the last six months! Thank you so much for all of them :) I hope everything is well with you and the family xx
