Saturday, 30 June 2018


You just know that a rum shop called Kermits is going to be good.  But if the name didn't indicate this then the serving of small wine bottles without cups should.  Never before have I been served wine like that, really the way forward, I imagine I looked very classy drinking right from the bottle.  
There are loads of things I love about living in Thailand but some things not so much and one is the lack of any good music.  The teacher crew are a little more into cheesy music and well I am just not.  It was great to hear some proper music and have a little dance, even if there were only four people on the dance floor (which I am not sure was really a dance floor either).

A fun Friday night, a not so fun Saturday morning!

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Beach, Amy, Quiz

Yesterday was a very full day, full in a good way though.  Watched some football in the morning, went to a veggie restaurant for lunch, had a read on the beach, a relaxing morning.  The late afternoon is where things began to pick up, went a long walk with Natalie on the most beautiful beach, met Amy for a Margarita and went to another pub quiz with Craig.

 I love walking for exercise, I try and do it often and I love it even more when these are the views.
 One of my great friends, Amy.  This women looks fabulous all the blinking time.  I had hopes that she would look a little more normal in this picture as she had just come from the gym, but nope still a knock out.

And then another quiz, this one not as good as the one the night before (which translates into we didn't win this one).  But a good night nonetheless and there is always next week.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Rockley Pub Quiz

Anyone who reads this blog (all two of you) knows I love a pub quiz.  I love hosting a pub quiz, entering a pub quiz and most of all winning a pub quiz.  I was disappointed to find out yesterday that my cousin Craig plays in a quiz on a Tuesday night and that they had a full team.  But then just before dinner, I got the call, one of the regular members had cancelled and I had a place on the team.  I was pretty nervous as this was no regular pub quiz team, they play to win and often do. 

 It was hard to take any pictures as they have a very strict no phone rule, and this team was not messing about.
It was a great quiz (I even answered some questions, usually I am just there to write the answers down) and the best part was we won!  A really fun night out so happy I got the call up.

And then came home to these great pictures of Luis in Ecuador.  It looks as though he is having a great time but missing him loads here!

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Just Relaxing

It is certainly a long way here and with the time difference it is very exhausting.  Therefore have spent the last few days laying low and just catching up with family.  I can't believe it is day three and I have not been to the beach yet (although I plan on fixing this today).
Yesterday I had a lovely day lunching with my Auntie Andy and then having a family dinner at home.  I had a lovely day and it was so nice to catch up with everyone.
 Okay I have seen the beach, just not sat on it.
 We had a lovely catch up lunch.

And finished a lovely day with some of the kiddies.  Although they are all getting so much bigger. Jodi is a proper teenager, very grown up compared to the early days of my blog.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Exhausted in BIM

Finally, after two long years I have arrived back in Barbados and I couldn't be happier to be here.  Forty hours of travel, 3 flights and worth every minute.  However, I am way too tired to write too much as Natalie took me off the plane and whisked me to a friend's 50th.  Tomorrow I will write some more.

Too much fun, love these people, love Barbados.

Friday, 22 June 2018

Chef Luis

Our last afternoon before flying out to visit our family and friends for the summer (sadly in different countries) was meant to be relaxing and calm.  Of course most things never go quite to plan.  We had a lovely lunch at our favourite Thai spot that Luis even helped cook for us.  He has started learning to cook from these fantastic chefs so he can make some dishes at home and in the future where ever we are.  He loves it and they love teaching him.

The calm afternoon ended just about at this moment when then a dog came charging off the street under the table to bite Lola.  It was horrible and poor little Lola was so shocked she was sick.  He drew blood and we were so lucky it was not worse than that.  But as I already feel horrid to leave her for so long after she has been so sick it was not what we needed.  But Luis went and got all the medical supplies she needs and antibiotics and I know she could not be left in better hands.  So now I find myself in London (with no coat, what was I thinking) awaiting my coach to Gatwick and my final plane to Barbados.  I will miss my L's but so looking forward to seeing family in friends in Barbados, Romania and then the UK!

Thursday, 21 June 2018

Cape Sienna 4

My fourth Cape Sienna was last night, our school begins with a night here and ends with a  night here.  But four is nothing, lots of people were on their 14th, which speaks volumes for the school.  The weather was looking a little dodgy but it turned out to be a perfect night.  The sunset and skies were just beautiful.  It was a lovely evening, and now I am getting ready to leave for the summer holidays.  

 My head of department who is leaving to China.  He is a great guy and will be missed.

 How much am I going to miss this man this summer?!

I can't believe it is the end of another school year.  Time just flies by.  I can't believe I leave today for a very full summer.  I am  feeling very very sad to leave my L's and can't wait until we are together again.