Thursday, 15 March 2018

International Morning BISP

I love International Day, well actually it is only International Morning here but still lovely.  It is great seeing the students trying to represent all their Nationalities.  Loads of them switch between their parents countries each year and I hear  them discussing what they have taken from each one.  This year, they included a Barbados flag as it is written down as my home of record.  It is nice to represent my mother and her family, but of course I also had a Canadian flag attached to me.  Next year, maybe I will wear a Union Jack (along with my Canadian flag).

 All the places I have lived and the people I have met have shaped who I am today.  I probably did not appreciate Switzerland as much as I should have, I made some life long friends and was able to live in one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been too.

 Or maybe Ecuador again to support, as obviously Ecuador has a special place in my heart.

 Luis and some of his boarding boys.
 Keep Calm and Carry On

I love the year 13's and will be sad to see them go in three short weeks.  They finished the day with a brilliant group dance.   

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