Saturday, 31 March 2018

Rainy Season Party

What was meant to be a normal party turned into a party celebrating the rainy season as the heavens opened and the rain kept on coming.  The good thing is it kept people from going in the pool which always makes me very nervous!
Ever since Luke moved in he has been dying to host a party and finally got his wish last night.  Not only did he get to host a party but it was always a pretty amazing party.   The dance floor was packed and people all seemed to be having a great time.

But he has learnt an important reality about hosting...  The next day clean up, not fun.  I have probably mopped four times now and will need another two times, we have cleaned at least ten bin bags and still more to come.  But I love to host and it goes with the territory, so no complaints from me!

Friday, 30 March 2018

Disney Day

Today was Disney Day at school, in fact all week there has been a different theme, but today was the only day I came up with anything (but to be fair only about 5% of teachers did anything).   I was afraid that all the girls would come as some sort of princess but was pleasantly surprised to see that actually loads of the boys came as princesses and the girls came up with other ideas.  I went as one of the 101 dalmatians.   
It was  a rocky start as the radiator exploded on the way to work.  This means I was stuck at the side of a busy road dressed as a dog as many of my students and colleagues drove by.  A pick up of Thai men stopped to help push the car out of the road, they looked so confused by my get up, but I was thankful for the help even if I felt like a total idiot!
 On my way to school.
 Stuck on the side of the road and even though I looked a fool, was an hour late for work and was drenched in sweat (as it is boiling now), I still kept my sense of humour about the ordeal.
 One of my year 13's, who dressed up to match me.  Love her!
Another girl in my class dressed up as the mean lady in the movie.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Veggie Talk

Today I was asked to deliver a presentation about why I became a vegetarian (almost, working on it, vegan) to Key Stage 3 (11-14 year olds).  Firstly, just to put it out there I was SO nervous.  I am great in front of my classes, happy to make a fool of myself, make mistakes and I feel totally at ease.  But if you put another adult in the class, I just crumble.  Put me in front of an audience of a few hundred and things get even worse.  Second, I felt it was so important to do a good job as it is something I feel increasingly passionate about.  Combine these nerves and passion and the kids got some sort of half lecture about the realities of the meat industry, its effects on the world, and the treatment of animals (I was asked to stay clear of talking about the health benefits as not to upset parents).  In researching facts, so that I was not saying anything that could be disputed easily, I learnt so much more and now feel even more impassioned and determined to be 100 percent vegan.  I still will not put this on anyone else, and I hope the students did not feel that was my intent.  What I wanted even just one student to take away was a desire to research more on the topic on their own and possibly cut down on the beef (major reason for world wide deforestation).
I have also now checked another item of my '40' list, giving a presentation to a large audience.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Vegan Supper Club

This is pretty much my favourite thing to do here.  Get together with some lovely people and try some new vegan dishes.  Everyone does such a great job and the spread is always so wonderful.  There is a lot of yummy veggie food to try out there, meat eater or non meat eater.  Luis out did himself by making the best lentil mushroom meatballs yet.  There was some delicious curries and then a chocolate cake that I could have eaten all of.  Besides the food the company is amazing.   We always have such a great time together, and I will miss the Stewart's next year when they retire back to Australia.
 Just before the elevator challenge, finish the beverage before getting to third floor  (pretty fancy house with an elevator and all!).
 Julie who cooked up a storm
 Luis finishing up his meatballs
 All left with full happy tummies.  This post is a day late after my stitches yesterday that left me in so much pain I could barely do anything.  I had a bump cut out a few weeks ago and I did not really appreciate the size or the depth of it.  A little less pain today, but I had no idea how much this would hurt!

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Kim's Birthday Night

Leica kicked off the birthday celebrations and in the next few months there are many to celebrate, including one very important one ;).  Last night we celebrated Kim's birthday at her fabulous home on the beach.  She had some yummy nibbles and cocktails which we enjoyed on her beautiful balcony, followed by games chatter and laughs.

She was happy not to enter her 30's last night, as I am finding it slightly depressing to be getting another number in the 40's!  Lucky to have such a wonderful lady in my life! Happy Birthday Kim!

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Dancing Maths

Occasionally I have a walk down memory lane and read my posts from years ago.  I seem to be doing a lot of that lately, looking at old photos and entries I have written.  It is nice to look back over the years and see the things I did with the people I love, even if sometimes it is a bit heart wrenching.  Something I noticed this week is how much more I use to post educational blogs, particularly when I was in Basel (probably as in Basel International teaching was new to me and also the school sent us on many training weekends/days so I had more to write about).  I was beginning to wonder if I had the same passion and commitment now as I did when I started teaching almost 10 years ago (can't quite believe that long already!) and then I turned around today in Year 7 and saw some of my boys doing a victory Maths dance.

These boys were celebrating some challenging work that they just completed.  It made me laugh and smile and I realised maybe I haven't totally lost my Maths teaching mojo just yet!   

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Love Freda K

I cannot imagine what it would be like to live in a world without technology, especially as I live so far from family and friends.  That is definitely the worst thing about my job, the distance.  Therefore, I rely on phones, computers, social media etc to keep up with them.  I love love getting my Freda K updates.  She is possibly the most adorable, sweet baby of all time, and although this may appear bias I can assure you it is not.  Paddy and Nicola sent us these recent ones of me and Freda chatting on some sort of smart phone app.  Look how engaged and happy she looks, what a clever child!

 Still loving her Auntie Amanda from a far :)

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Caddy Shack and Pop Up

A very busy weekend was had as I had two social events to go too, which is quite unusual.  Friday, Leica had her big birthday celebrations at a bar called Caddy Shack.  We had a great time, with lots of dancing and singing.  

Unfortunately I cannot say the Pop Up Event was as good.  I was very excited for it, got a new outfit and my hair done but overall it really wasn't great.  But that didn't stop me from taking some great photos!  And I guess every party can't be the best party!  And it was all for charity, so I am still glad that we went.

Now that I see the pictures, maybe it was more fun then I first thought!

Thursday, 15 March 2018

International Morning BISP

I love International Day, well actually it is only International Morning here but still lovely.  It is great seeing the students trying to represent all their Nationalities.  Loads of them switch between their parents countries each year and I hear  them discussing what they have taken from each one.  This year, they included a Barbados flag as it is written down as my home of record.  It is nice to represent my mother and her family, but of course I also had a Canadian flag attached to me.  Next year, maybe I will wear a Union Jack (along with my Canadian flag).

 All the places I have lived and the people I have met have shaped who I am today.  I probably did not appreciate Switzerland as much as I should have, I made some life long friends and was able to live in one of the most beautiful countries I have ever been too.

 Or maybe Ecuador again to support, as obviously Ecuador has a special place in my heart.

 Luis and some of his boarding boys.
 Keep Calm and Carry On

I love the year 13's and will be sad to see them go in three short weeks.  They finished the day with a brilliant group dance.