Thursday, 7 December 2017

Canadian Health Care

There are a lot of things I feel angry about, really angry.  I feel angry for my family who I feel once again have been cheated.  I feel angry for my father and all that he has been through in the last six months.  
My father beat cancer several months ago, won his fight with an aggressive prostate cancer just to discover he had mesothelioma, a horrid cancer with no cure.  The real kicker is that this was totally preventable my father should be celebrating his second lease of life after his win with cancer.  Sadly there are companies out there, like General Electric (where my father worked for a short time) who do not care enough about their employees health and expose them to asbestos, which they knew was dangerous, a potential killer material.
However, the one thing that has made this terrible situation more bearable is the fantastic care my father has received.  I just cannot believe people could ever criticise a free health care system.  It is not perfect, and I am sure elective surgeries have long waits and there are glitches in the system but I can say overall I could not be happier.  He has 24 nursing care and all the nurses are just wonderful.  Marlene, the lady in charge of his care plan has been fantastic and made sure me and my sister are supported.  His super nurse, Everjoy, is pretty much sent from heaven and the most wonderful lady ever.  His meds are delivered to our door (out in the country) only hours after being ordered.  If he lived South of the border or many other places we would be in a dramatically different situation now.  I am trying to capture some photos of some of the amazing nurses that have come this week, but actually keep forgetting so here are just a few.
 A visit from Ed, not a nurse but a super good friend.  He has loads of visitors and I should be taking more photos.
 His most frequent nurse, Davinder, who has been super.  She was his first nurse, so he was not keen at first but now a love has developed for sure.
Showing off this Thai hat, he has been charming the nurses all week.

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