Friday, 6 October 2017

Tennis Star (well maybe half a star!)

Another day, another thing checked off my list of forty.  I am super excited about this one, finally getting back into tennis.  Last night was my first lesson (after my art lesson, so a busy day) and I just loved it.  In fact, I think if I had this coach as a child I may have won an Olympic medal.  In one short hour, she corrected some bad habits and I felt like a whole new player.  I think I have probably played four times in 20 years and it just felt great to get back into it.  I am super excited about these lessons, even though I am having trouble typing as my arm is still shaking from the intense work out it had last night!
 The school tennis courts are amazing, blinking hot but amazing.  My coach is great, next time I will take some photos but I did not want her to realise I am slightly mad just yet!
Oh and before art class I went to the pottery place to collect my first little pot!  I have miles to go, but still love my first attempt!

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