Tuesday, 1 August 2017

A Year On..

Today I said goodbye to Cody, Luis and Lola to start my travels back to Canada to see my Dad.  I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband who is so supportive of me and such great friends who know when to just listen.  I was spoilt with both this summer and I feel so thankful for that.

I cannot say enough how wonderful it was to have the Ecua's here, they just make you feel so positive and happy.  They helped me search for flights to get me to Canada probably saving me half the cost.  Just such a fabulous group that I cannot wait to see again.

I am now sitting in a coffee shop in Bangkok airport, pretty much where I was a year ago today.  I cannot believe it has been a year; a great one but not without its challenges.  First year of marriage was easy (as married to Luis), learning the new job was pretty easy too (as an amazing staff), but being so far from all our family has been a huge challenge.  I have a new niece I have yet to meet, I miss all my family, and it has been especially hard to be away from my Dad during a year where he has faced several challenges.
I am so thankful now that I am able to go and spend time with the bravest most positive man I have ever met.  Despite facing some serious health problems this last year he maintains a spirit that most people only aspire too.  He is an inspiration to me and many more and I cannot wait to get there to give him a big huge hug!

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