Thursday, 25 May 2017

Not Sure How Lola is Going to Handle this..

Well it does not take a genius to answer this, any one who has met Lola knows that she is slightly protective of me and definitely not into making doggie friends.  She is happy with me and Luis and really shows no interest in most people and certainly not other dogs.  And to be fair she is not always interested in us either!  So I am not sure how this is going to fly with her but this morning Luis rescued this poor little puppy that we have noticed around the neighbourhood (well we hope rescued and not stolen).  Either way she was looking more than a little rough and needs some love and care.  We will take her to the vet tomorrow and get her all her shots and then see if any one in the neighbourhood lays claim to her (I hope they do not, as I might be  a little upset as to why she is always in the pouring rain, hungry and looking a little hurt).
Luis is already attached, named her and everything.  Me and Lola may take a little more convincing... 

Either way, we will make sure she is taken care of, by us or another home. In the meantime, I am going to try very hard not to fall for her!

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