Tuesday, 14 February 2017

OH Saint Valentine

Oh Saint Valentine, what a day.  It started off so perfectly, probably why you decided to put a few challenges in front of us during the day.  But we prevailed and had the best Valentine's ever.
 Wonderful special Central American breakie
 With the most thoughtful present and carr
 Luis with his coupons and his first dive package in Thailand (next week)
And then the fun really started.  The Green Machine for the third time would not start after getting petrol, we decided enough was enough time to get the battery changed.  That and the fact the brakes were gone.  I wish I had taken pictures of the mechanics as they burst out laughing looking at the brakes and then asked me to reverse the car (as it was just on the side of the road) and we had to explain that it also did not reverse.  They would not even get in for a test drive to hear all the different noises.  But they kept it and are fixing it and we went to all the rental car places and finally found a car.  So this was not a cheap day!

But we had the last laugh!  We ended up at our dinner, a little late but we made it.  It was delicious and all veggie!  Luis loved it too.  It was a challenging, expensive day but we still had a fabulous one.  Happy Valentines to all my loved ones!

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