Monday, 23 January 2017

40 Things to Do

I am in the midst of writing a list of forty things to complete in my fortieth year. Nothing new, it has been done before but I still think a really nice idea.  I am at 31 things, struggling with the last few but will get there.  I will probably not put it up on here but maybe announce when I complete some big ones.
Well today I am that much closer as my ukulele was delivered!! And I plan to write my own song as one of my things to do.  I tell my students all the time that we may not be gifted at everything but can become great at anything with effort, practise and determination.  I have always thought myself horribly unmusical but am determined to succeed!
 They even sent me a cool sticker for my bag.  I am like a real musician now.
Cannot wait to learn how to play!

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