Friday, 29 April 2022

April Wine Night

 Another wine night, only two more to go before I am off to start a Bangkok chapter.  I really could not believe the house we had it at.  It was from the movies, the  BBQ and outside kitchen area were bigger than my house, and the grounds were like a resort.  I always feel so uncomfortable around such wealth, the lady who hosted it is so down to earth and lovely but I did feel silly complaining to her about broccoli prices last wine night after seeing her house.  I am pretty confident she has not noticed.  Either way, I need to get over this with the ultra-rich, most people I have met here who happen to be fairly wealthy I have no idea until I go to their house.   I just hope I closed my jaw for at least part of the night.

Wima, the hostess.

The night was hosted not in her actual home, but in this entertainment house, they have just for events such as these.  It was quite amazing.   A glimpse of how that small percent lives.

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Back in The Bahamas

 I cannot remember the last time I needed such a holiday after a holiday but we all arrived back tired.  Two weeks was definitely not long enough, and next time we will have to go longer.  We were happy to be back and see friends, as we are now on The Bahamas home stretch.   Last night, Tanya and Claude took us out for my birthday.  We missed them loads and will miss them when we go.

At the meeting of Alex and Sebastian, they ran across a field and embraced.  It was so sweet!

A great meal, I even had a birthday song at the end with a small cake.  Sebastian was happy to share in the singing and blowing out of the candles, but not share the cake.

Monday, 25 April 2022

Last Day This Trip

 It seems like so long we have been here but yet so short.  We got so much done, had very little sleep and feel like we never stopped. But I would have it no other way.  Lots of people to see and lots of things to do.

I spent so much time with friends and family this day I failed to take the pictures I should have.  Terrible as so many people came to say goodbye and I could have had so many great pictures!

Our last night we had dinner in Worthing Court with Natalie, Kailee and Jodi.  An amazing spot, possibly not our best meal out but a great vibe.  I cannot believe our time here is over this year.  We always thought living in The Bahamas we would get here so much more but of course Covid prevented that from happening.  But no complaints, we left having had an amazing time!

Farewell Nicola and Freda

 After a wonderful birthday party it was time to say farewell to Nicola and Freda.  We had such a fantastic time and I am so thrilled we got this time together.  I am so lucky to have the best sister in the world.

After a goodbye at the airport we got ready to enjoy our last few days in Barbados on this adventure.  Kerri and Fabian had us over for a great dinner and lime with friends.

They are amazing people and I am so lucky to have them in my life.  Another late evening for everyone and sadness as we approached our last day on this trip.

Sunday, 24 April 2022

35... Again

 I decided to be 35 this year, which is aging quite quickly for me.  I had an afternoon out with the Aunties at Carib.  Lunch and a little swim before going home to set up my party.

Great family and friends all day long. I could not ask for much more.  35, here i come! (again)