Monday, 30 August 2021

Newbie Welcome

It is not easy entering a new country and school but even harder with a pandemic going on.  Our start here last year was horrible and I really wanted to make sure the new staff had more of a welcome.  I put on a few events over the last week, as seen in previous post.  This Friday I set up a bit of an after school bar session and Saturday we had a beach picnic at ours.  They are a very nice group and expect we will all get on very well.

Sandbar on Friday

Beach picnic and Amanda's game Saturday.  I think it was a nice welcome for them and I love hosting so perfect for me.


Friday, 27 August 2021

First Week Back to School

Online/Offline/Mixed of both, we have bounced back and forth all week on what the plan is.  The government is not clear on what the rules are and if we are able to open in any capacity.  Today is Friday so it makes our first day on Monday a little bit difficult to plan.  It is more than a little frustrating, and makes me even a little more angry at people who will not get vaccinated.  Most government schools have been out of school for two full years (as Dorian destroyed the island 6 months before Covoid came), so now they are entering three years on line (and many do not have access to online).  If you do not want to get vaccinated for yourself do it for the damn kids, how can they be out of school for three years!  Just to update, The Bahamas has 15% vaccinated and hundreds of thousands of vaccines, they just do not want it.  The hospitals are collapsing and cases are worse than they have ever been.  Rant over.  On a happy note Sebastian has been having a great week with Sinead and the Anderson's.

I love this video she sent me!

Monday, 23 August 2021

Back To Bahamas

 I have been so crazy busy since returning back to Bahamas.  We had such a great week of adventures in Canada but returned with only a few days to prepare for school.  Sebastian had a lovely summer but he did spend a crazy amount of time with his parents and full days without us is going to be a challenge for him (or so I think, he is probably thrilled to be having some time without us).  We returned today and he does not go back for two weeks.  Luckily, the wonderful Anderson's will be looking after him for those weeks.  This week just the teachers are in school and we still do not know if next week we will be online or face to face.  Bloody Covoid continues.

We have been spending the evenings learning how to ride the balance bike.

On Friday I organised a welcome dinner for the new teachers.  It looks like a really nice new bunch to the group

Friday, 20 August 2021

African Lions Safari and Final Night

 We had a wonderful final day in Canada for this trip.  Amy took us to African Lions Safari during the day and we completed the trip with an Indian at Mandy's later that evening.  It was the perfect end to the perfect trip.

Best train ride ever.

Sebastian enjoyed running around Amy's SUV and barely the animals but it was fun all the same.  

Next the dry play park.  Sebastian is going to be so disappointed the next time we take him to the only tiny one here, he is so use to the amazing ones now.

But the water park was the real winner. He just love loves the water, and even went on the water slides by himself.

And our final night for this trip spent with Amy, Mandy and the kids.  It was so amazing to finally have a child to join the others!

This was from the BBQ the week before but it was just sent to me.  Love it!  Best trip ever.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Foster's Visit

After leaving Wellington we headed to Mississauga as there were still people to meet.  We went to Jen Fosters house to meet her new baby boy, her partner and see her father and brother.  Uncle Richard was very close to my Mum growing up and that relationship continued in Canada and he was very much a big part of our lives, still is.  Langdon is adorable and Sebastian just loved him.  Sebastian just seems to love babies.  

We enjoyed a super yummy Thai meal and had a great couple hours catching up.  I was so happy we could see them.


Wellington Visit

 After visiting my parents we headed off to Wellington in Prince Edward County to visit Aunty Janice and Marlene.   It was so wonderful to be able to see them both and we enjoyed a lovely BBQ on Monday and lunch together on Tuesday before heading back.  Aunty Janice is my Godmother and I have always adored her.  Marlene has been so good to our family for so many years and I was so happy she also got to meet Sebastian on this trip.  

Marlene shared some old photos with me and I just love this one of my Mum.

I was super happy to see where they both live and next time I will have to stay longer as it looks like a beautiful part of the world.

Visiting my Parents

On Monday I took Sebastian to visit my parents grave, something I have wanted to do since he was born.  I remember my Mum talking once to a friend about the importance of visiting a grave and it has very much stuck with me.   I feel so overwhelmed with sadness sometimes about the fact my parents never got to meet Sebastian.  And even more sadness that Sebastian has to grow up without them in his life.  It was a very emotional morning and he was so well behaved, I truly think he knew what we were doing.

We also took a minute to visit a dear friend of my parents and a lady I loved very much.  Our neighbour Donna who died of cancer about ten years ago.  A very special morning before we headed to Wellington to visit my Auntie Janice and Marlene.


Monday, 16 August 2021

The Best Day, Old Friends and Family

 I just had the best day yesterday.  It was very emotional but wonderful.  It breaks my heart that Sebastian will never meet my parents.  I am so sad that they never got to spoil him, know how funny he is and have the chance to give him the big bear hugs he loves to give.  I feel like so much of my history died with them as well and there will be no one to tell funny little stories about me as a child.  Yesterday I had a day full of visits and I felt so thankful that so many people were so excited to meet him and I could just feel the love they had immediately. 

We started the day with brunch in the old neighbourhood.  My Dad did not have any actual family in Canada but his neighbours and friends were definitely family to him.  Colleen kindly had us and Bev and Ed over.  It was wonderful and I was so happy to see them and for them to meet Sebastian.  I did spy on the old property, which looks the same and it was well wonderful and emotional.

We then went to see Scott Duimstra, he grew up next door to us with his two other brothers and wonderful parents.  His children were a dream and it was so nice to see them.

We ended the day at Mandy's parents for dinner.  It was amazing.  They spoilt Sebsatian rotten and were so excited to meet him.  They made an amazing vegan dinner and gave Sebastian some precious toys.  They told stories of me as a child and I left so full of love and happiness.  It was just the best day ever.