Friday, 30 July 2021

Cody in de House

Cody Rook has arrived and I could not be more thrilled!  Sebastian is quickly bonding with his newest Ecuador Tio and Cody and myself have a list of topics to get through before he leaves (our Ecuador days spent with a wine spritzer as we discussed a long list of injustices). He arrived yesterday and we enjoyed a day of beach, food and wine as we caught up on the last couple of years.

Two weeks of fun filled Ecuafam love planned!

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Potty Training and Boogie Boarding

 It has been a busy but not so busy few days back in The Bahamas as we potty train Sebastian.  We are trying the three day stay at home method and so far so good.  But it has been a little hard to keep him fully entertained after endless entertainment in Ecuador while staying at home.  But today was a huge success as we did leave the house and he asked to go to the bathroom in a restaurant!  A win!

Bruce also gave him a boogie board and from the moment he put it in the water he was a natural.  

A successful few days, just in time for a visit from one of our favourite people!

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Sebastian is Two

Amazing! Sebastian is two and besides the fact that the free flights are done we could not be more thrilled.  And he really has grown up this month, he is bigger, speaks way more (English and Spanish) and is funnier every single day.  To celebrate this big day.  We spent the day his way...

Beach swim for sure.
Some presents
Bruce time

Finding, cutting, eating and drinking coconuts.
Hanging out with Lola

And finishing up a great day with the Diamonds by the Sea crew and dinner.  I cannot believe Sebastian is two already and we are celebrating this new age with a few no nappie potty training days. Wish us luck!

Friday, 23 July 2021

Mayra's Birthday and Last Day

  Yesterday was a busy one, or was that the day before?! It feels like two days was rolled into one.  Today is Friday, so Wednesday was our last full day in Quito.  Thursday we flew out at 2:30am, as an aside we thought flying at night was a good idea and it was not.  Thursday we made it back home, but the day was a right off.  We have now woken up to Friday and Sebastian's second birthday!

But back to our last day, Mayra's birthday.  She was not feeling well early in the morning so the celebrations were almost cancelled.  But she rallied and we had a great lunch together and then a great dinner before going to the airport.  What a great trip we had and what a fabulous family Luis has.  I feel very lucky to be a part of them.  So many highlights over the month, in some ways it went so fast and in other ways it felt like we did so much.  Either way, I am so thankful that we got ot go and have this time together.

No time to write more, have to get ready for birthday celebrations.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Final Few Days in Ecuador

 The saying time fly's by is so very true.  I cannot believe we leave for the airport tonight (flying over night).  We have had a lovely last few days with nacho night, movie night, getting ice cream and just spending time together.  Today we are lucky enough to be here for Luis's Mum's birthday and celebration.  Before the festitivites begin we are busy packing, weighing luggage and making sure we are not way over weight (as usually are).

Nacho night

Sebastian realised how to play and on his own aligned the chairs against the football table so that he could play and change hands. 

Vegan ice cream fun

And how lovely is this! The Endara's made me two pictures to put up in The Bahamas.  Amazing, they even got photos I had not seen for years.  It was very special.
Sebastian adores his cousins, particularly Jose.  I think Jose is not quite there yet with Sebastian as he does bug him a bit.  But altogether we have had some very special times. Now time to celebrate Luis's Mum's birthday.